Education Ministry

The Education Ministry exists to facilitate growth in the knowledge of God through transformational learning and discipleship through a variety of educational strategies and activities that are appropriate to the learner's life stage.

The Education Ministry will promote Christian Discipleship through...

  1. Growth in Relationship with God
  2. Growth in the Christian virtues and Christian Character
  3. Growth in Christian Community
  4. Growth in Ministry and Service
  5. Growth of a Biblical World-View
  6. Growth in Life Skills from a Christian perspective
  7. Growth in Biblical Literacy and Study Skills

At the heart of the education ministry is the word of God, which is living and active. Through various strategies of reading, study, and submission, it transforms us through the Spirit into the glory and image of our Lord. The education program includes the Sunday School, Wednesday evening Bible Classes, and special classes or seminars. We caution members not to limit Bible reading and study to the education program, but to have a generous intake of reading, study, reflection, and prayer, so that God can transform the heart and the mind into the image of Christ.