Important Questions

Does Church Really Matter?

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If one is a Christian, is it necessary to attend or be part of the church? Is the church something created by man, or does God have something to say about Church? Is church an optional activity? Which church should I be a part of? This study will deal with questions related to church as found in scripture.

  1. Romans 16:5; 1 Corinthians 16:19; Colossians 4:15
    1. Do these passages show a distinction between the building/ place and the church?
    2. Notes: Definition and origin of the word, “church”
      1. The Greek word translated “church” in the Bible is ekklesia
        1. Definition: assembly, gathering, meeting, congregation
        2. It is not a building or a place, but people
      2. The English word, “church” did not derive originally did not come from ekklesia
        1. Before Christianity came into being, “church” was used by pagans to refer to a place of worship, such as a temple
        2. At some point in the history of the English language, I became the word used to refer to the church
      3. The church/congregation “of Christ” is not a building or a place, but the people of God
  2. Reflection: How does knowing the definition of “church” affect your understanding?
  3. Matthew 16:18 Whose church did Jesus say he would build?
  4. Acts 20:28 Who does the church belong to according to this?
  5. Eph 5:23
    1. Who is the head of the church?
    2. What does the church need to do with Christ?
    3. What does the marriage analogy say about the relationship between Christ and the church?
  6. Ephesians 1:22-23
    1. What is the body of Christ according to this passage?
    2. What does the head and body analogy say about the relationship between Christ and his church?
  7. Ephesians 4:3-6
    1. How many bodies are there?
    2. What does this say about the creation of various Christian denominations and religious sects?
  8. Reflection:
    1. Knowing that the origin of the church is from Christ and not man, how important is it to consult the Bible about the church?
    2. Where should our instructions for the church come from?
    3. If this is the church “of Christ,” then what does this mean for those who claim some other person is the head of the church?
    4. Would it be more appropriate to call the church by something man-made, or to stick to Biblical designations, such as “church/ congregation of Christ,” “body of Christ,” etc.?
    5. What implications does this have for official creeds, religious rules of faith, and other such things? Are they authoritative?
  9. Ephesians 1:13, 2:19-21
    1. What is required for someone to become a member of God’s household?
    2. What does the designation, God’s “household” tell you about the nature of the church? How is it different than being a member of some other organization?
  10. Acts 2:37-41, 47
    1. Who was being added to their number?
    2. Who was doing the adding?
  11. Reflection
    1. On whose terms does one become a part of the church?
    2. Does one become a part of the church simply because he decides to join the church?
    3. At what point does one become a part of Christ’s church?
  12. 1 Corinthians 14:26 What is the purpose of the church assembling together?
  13. Hebrews 10:24-25
    1. What must Christians not make a habit of doing?
    2. For what reason?
  14. Colossians 3:16 What are the purposes of singing in our assembly?
  15. Reflection
    1. What importance does the Bible place on attendance?
    2. Why is this important?
    3. Can you fulfill the purpose of assembling without actually assembling with your church family?
  16. 1 Corinthians 12:12-26
    1. What does the analogy of the body teach about your relationship to the rest of the church?
    2. What is your role to be in being connected to the body?
  17. Galatians 6:1-2 According to this passage, why is it important to be connected to the rest of the church?
  18. Matthew 18:15-17; 2 Thessalonians 3:11-15 As a last resort, what must brethren do when a member refuses to repent? Why?
  19. 1 Peter 2:9-10 What is another function of the church according to this passage?
  20. Ephesians 4:11-16 How does spiritual growth happen according to this passage?
  21. Reflection: Discuss how praising God, caring for one another, and spiritual growth are all connected
  22. Titus 1:5-11; 1 Peter 5:1-5 What, according to this passage, are some of the responsibilities of elders in the church? (Note: “shepherd” and “pastor” mean the same thing)
  23. 2 Timothy 4:1-5 What is the job of a preacher? (Note: “Gospel preacher” and “Evangelist” mean the same thing)
  24. 1 Timothy 3:8-12 What instructions has God given concerning deacons? (Note: “deacon” means official servant)
  25. Reflections:
    1. Has God given instructions about leadership in the church?
    2. What is to be the relationship between the church’s elders and the rest of the congregation?
  26. Final Reflection: What are your God-given responsibilities in relationship to the rest of the church?


Compiled by
John Telgren
Nebraska City Church of Christ,
1102 S 10th St, Nebraska City, NE 68410
(402) 873-7241 - www.ncncocorg -
September 18, 2017